My Current Love

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JUNE's Entry

Screenshots....... further customization to the browser.
Everything looks round and bold. Easier to read actually.
And it doesn't need any toolbar add-ons cause safari already has google and youtube+wikipedia+yahoo.... so, basically the screen displays more stuffs.
It felt as though my monitor got wider. I hope I can continue loving Safari.

Oh yah, I clicked on the help button and saw.........
'Report bugs to Apple'
I hate bugs. Computer term AND human term.
There was once an insect as long as my eyeball went into my eye.
I was making my way into the shop to get my spectacles.
It was crawling. and crawling. and crawling.
Hurt like hell. I had to use my fingers to catch it.
Using the shop's mirror. Everyone was looking. Sial.
Hate bugs.
So, I guess I'm not using my Firefox anymore.

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