It's Sad

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that nowadays I could only respond to Cass's entries instead of coming up with my own.
But blogging here is somewhat a dilemma for me. As this is a much user-friendly blog platform compared to tumblr. More than 80% of the time, I need to edit the html and insert raw codes there. But it's the boxes. It's ALWAYS the boxes. The one that Cass finds confusing. I'm somewhat attracted, well, addicted to the BOXES.

Damn, I paused for about 15 minutes there. Thinking about blogger vs tumblr.
Oh blardy gawd it's disturbing.
One thing for sure. A blogspot blog is something I can keep till the day I die, I suppose. Ok. I was kinda sure about that but then I doubted. Gah, I'm not thinking right.
blogspot? tumblr? blogspot? tumblr?
Being a student still, at the age of 23... leaves me nothing but studies and blogging on my mind.
In this case, not much of the blogging but more on the appearance.
A reason I haven't been really telling everyone whether I'm blogging at blogspot or tumblr.
I haven't actually made up my mind. RM10 has been down the drain ages ago.
I, of course, expected that. I'm sure Cass did too.

Ok, there goes another 10 minutes.
Why must blogger be so convenient? If only I can find a template for blogger with boxes now. Problems solved. Well, problem solved.

Ok, I think it's another 15 minutes or more.
Decision made. Sticking to tumblr. Adjusting the template a lil'.
I wanna look pro.
Off with widgets and whatnot. It's transformation time.
I'm koreking money here and there, and by the time I have enough, I'll come down to kl and buy champagne for us.
At the meantime. Happy working (well, at least try your best to live the most of each day) and we'll see when.

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