Small Details in Life

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Yesterday while walking home from work...( -_- )"" ---> across the street <---, i saw ibu kecik ( the office cat i like so much, * REFER TO OLDER POST 4 PICS *, rolling about in a patch of sand by the road. so i call out to her and she trots over, i scratch her below her chin and continue walking. But she follows me so i turn around and stop to pat her again and out of NOWHERE! a bird ( a Malaysian Myna to be exact ) swoops down to attack her and guess what.... im in the freakin way.......... so i almost get my head bashed in by an angry bird. Then my office cat goes all commando on the road and does one of those Rambo roll-overs and tried to stick its head into a nearby drain opening. Not working, and the bird gives another swoop and i run for all im worth all the way back coz see the bird, now its SMART! saw me as the cats friend and suddenly im the enemy too.


I ate tengirri ( a kind of fish ) three days ago, sambal style! and the fish kindda got stuck in my teeth.

So i floss........


Next day i get up with swollen gums. Not my whole mouth but ( u know how after your last grinders there's this hard area of gum ), yea well that part but its only on the bottom set on the left hand side.

SWOLLEN....gets worse the next day. So here i am thinking maybe instead of clearing out whatever got stuck in between my teeth i pushed it further in. So i checked and double there.

Day three...its really f***** swollen and i notice a huge vein running on the inside of my cheek that's kindda turned a purplish blue.... (@_@). I dunno, so now im guessing...finally my wisdom tooth's making an appearance?...

If my jaw locks, then it would definitely be something else.


I though my brother lost his hand phone because ive been trying to call him for the past two days and no answer. Not once, not twice, more than 10 times i think.

I went frantic and made everyone in the office worry but i finally got him on the phone today.

BROTHER'S LAME ASS EXCUSE : " Ah....sorry i was asleep "

wat.............. FOR 2 WHOLE FREAKING DAYS! and then i wonder..why did i make the people in my office panic? Shouldn't it have been my family?


Im gonna finally throw away all my junk in the room and clear away all the old tables and stuff. I have three tables in my room...very little moving space.

Then i came home today and felt this pang of sadness. No, for gonna miss the mess. Then i realized i get scared without the presence of my rubbish. Its like my shield. ( T_T )


My white hamsters mouth smells like fart. Its so bad that my mom refused to carry her.

so far so still ok!...

~ Cass ~ Signing off 4 the day...YAWN!

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